Coffee Morning and Community Library notes…

Hello!! You may or may not know that the Coffee Morning proceeds are donated to local charities. The most recent donation was £300 given to the Pett Level Preservation Trust in the name of our dear friend Anna King. A big thank you to everyone who turns up and buys coffee and cake for the benefit of our local charities.

As for the Community Library, we need your support, too, in other ways. We hold at least 200 books in our little cupboard and these are constantly refreshed. (And we have the latest Richard Osman.) We have a wide variety of reading material and are sure you will find something to interest you, so do come along and sign up and encourage us to keep going. It costs nothing and there is no time limit as to how long you may borrow a book. 

We are also looking for someone, well, two someone’s actually, who could take over the running of the Community Library. The only commitment is to be at our village hall for the morning of the first Wednesday of the month. It is a really friendly and enjoyable way to spend a morning. If you love books and enjoy meeting people, maybe this is a way you could contribute to village life. If so, please email me - - or just come along between 9 and 10 on the next Coffee Morning day to have a chat and see what we do. 

Next Coffee Morning is Wednesday 1st November, 10 - 12. See you there.

Christopher Lewis

Studio Lewis is run by Christopher Lewis, a freelance graphic designer working in Lewes, East Sussex. Please feel free to get in touch.

Coffee Morning and Community Library notes…


Coffee Morning and Community Library notes…