Health & Safety Policy

General Safety

  1. Do not operate or touch any electrical equipment where there are signs of damage, exposure of components or water penetration etc.

  2. Do not work at heights or on step ladders unless they are properly secured and another person is present.

  3. Do not leave electrical or gas appliances operating while unattended.

  4. Do not bring on to the property any portable electrical appliances which have not been Portable Appliance Tested.

  5. Do not attempt to move heavy or bulky items (e.g. stacked chairs and tables) - use the trolleys provided. Do not stack more than 10 chairs.

  6. Do not allow children in the kitchen.

  7. Wear suitable protective clothing when handling cleaning chemicals.

  8. Be aware and seek to avoid creating slipping hazards on stairs, polished or wet floors - mop -up spills immediately.

  9. Do not create tripping hazards such as buggies, umbrellas, mops and other items left in halls and corridors and use adequate lighting. 

  10. Do not create toppling hazards by piling equipment e.g. in store cupboards.

  11. Be aware and seek to avoid the following hazards particularly when in sole occupancy. Trailing cables, damaged floor surface or covering, defective lighting and handling kitchen equipment e.g. cooker, water heater and knives.

  12. Report any evidence of damage, faults to equipment or the facilities to Clare Walker 07718 518053 and note details in the Maintenance Book which can be found in the kitchen cupboard above the water boiler.

  13. Report every accident to Clare Walker 07718 518053 and complete Accident Report Form in the Accident Book which can be found in the kitchen cupboard above the water boiler.

    Food Safety

  14. Hirers must ensure food handlers observe the following precautions

  15. Wash your hands thoroughly:

    • before touching food
    • after preparing fresh meat, poultry or fish
    • after using the lavatory
    • after blowing your nose
    • before serving food

  16. If you have any skin, nose, throat or bowel trouble - YOU MUST NOT HANDLE FOOD.

  17. Do not cough or sneeze over food.

  18. Wear clean clothes and a protective apron or overall.

  19. Use waterproof dressings on cuts, sores or abrasions and keep the dressing clean. Wear thin rubber gloves if necessary.

  20. Always use clean utensils in preference to hands when cooking or serving food, as is practical.

  21. Taste with a clean utensil, not fingers.

  22. Always use clean cloths for washing, wiping and drying.

  23. Do not use chipped or cracked crockery: put it on one side to be destroyed or replaced.

  24. Clean up as you go and wipe up spillages as they occur.

  25. Keep prepared foods covered until they are to be served.

  26. Keep uncooked products separate from cooked preparations.

  27. Keep fish, meat, dairy products and other vulnerable foods below 8 º C or, if they are cooked and waiting to be eaten hot, above 63 º C.

  28. Dispose of food that has been on display out of refrigeration for more than four hours.

  29. Clear waste as it occurs and place it in rubbish bins or refuse sacks away from the food preparation area.

  30. When you have finished your preparations, please wash and dry everything you have used and put it away.